Sorry it took so long to post, but it has been a little busy with school starting soon. Anyway, you were probably wondering what the count down to the Huddowell Reunion was all about. Huddowell was created by Monica who infused both of our last names (Hudson and Hallowell) and created Huddowell. In June Matt graduated from Temple with a dental degree and they decided to move back to Grand Junction CO. It was the hardest thing to say goodbye to the Hudson Family, but we decided (mostly Monica and I) to rotate summers between Colorado and Pennsylvania. Since they just moved back we decided that we would go out to Colorado this summer. It was the first time for Kevin and Michael in the West.
Monica's parents allowed us to take over their house for a week. They were able spent a lot of time with us. We had a lot of laughs with them and enjoyed every minute.

We went to so many different places while we were there visiting. Here are just a few things that we did; we hiked to the Mica Mines, hiked down Serpent's Trail, and hiked all around their cabin up in the Mountains. We also climbed the rocks at 28 Hole. There is a place where you can slide down one side of the mountain. We learned a lot about the mountains and their family's
history there. All in all we had a WONDERFUL time. We were able to catch up on things and continue our game of punch buggy around town. It again was very hard to say goodbye, but I know that I will be seeing Monica in January. We want to thank the Hudsons and Ficklins for taking great care of us while we were there. Pictures are worth a thousands word, so please enjoy them.