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know, I know its been a long time since I last blogged. There has been a lot going on since I got back from Grand Junction and I haven't found any time to Blog. I have been home bound since Tuesday. I had to have surgery on Wednesday to help get rid of the pain that I feel every month. Everything went fine, but now I am going crazy in my own house. I thought that being home from work would be great, but I soon found out that it is extremely boring when you can't do anything. So, I decided to catch up on my blogging. So much has happen since the Colorado trip.
Michael finally got his braces off and of course I had to take the camera to the dentist's office to embarrassing him, what are moms for if you can't embarrass your son in public. It looks so different
without his braces and it took awhile before I got use to him not having them. I can now offer him a piece gum and not worry about it getting stuck to his braces. He now has too wear a retainer everyday, but he can take it out for his soccer games and for eating. We already had to replace it because it got lost on the way to a school soccer game. I am sure that he will take better care of this one because it cost him a lot of his allowance money to replace it. Really, what child hasn't lost a retainer before.

I started back to work at the end of August and I have been on the go since. Let me just say that it wasn't a good start to the school year. All of my Special Education books weren't ordered, so my teachers had to gather books together to teach their students. I have been pulled in all directions and haven't had time to sit and talk with a lot of my new teachers. Instead of going to 5 buildings, I now have 6 buildings to go to. I just haven't had any time to catch up, so I have been going into work on the weekends to try and get things in order. Everything seemed to be smoothing out when I found out that I had to go in for surgery. I was told by work that I am not allowed to work from home, so I guess that I will catching up again when I return on Monday. My job is usually busy and I have to except that.
We decided for Labor Day weekend Kevin, Michael, Christina, Ed, and Luke and myself would go to Lisa and John's. We had a great time up there. Kevin got to have his reduction sauce over fish with mash potatoes. A picture says a thousand words. We had a BBQ and of course we had flagels in the morning. We also went to Robbie's birthday party and it was nice to celebrate him being part of a new family. He is really cute and full of energy.
Just for those nasty pictures we EXPECT a LARGE shipment of flagels OVERNIGHTED to our house...PRONTO!! You suck! I don't care if you were drawn and quartered in that surgery of yours...I WANT FLAGELS!!!!!! I still love you, but I can't guarantee I'll feel sorry for you if Kevin isn't nice to you this week....;-) Okay...feel better...but feel guilty, ya poo.
Matt and Monica...don't you worry you never know when flagels will show up on your doorstep!!!!
All in due time.......
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