This was our first Christmas in the new house. We had a lot of fun decorating the inside and out. This house is so much bigger then our old house that I think I need to buy more decorations for next year. On Christmas Eve we went to my parents house to drop off gifts and visit for awhile and then went to Kevin's parent's house for meatballs, and they were YUMMY. After visiting we came home and Kevin and Michael finished wrapping my
presents while I watched Mama Mia, great movie of course. When we woke up the five of us opened presents together, you can't forget the animals.
Everyone seemed to enjoy opening presents and the animals of course spent the time playing in the trash. Kevin, Michael and myself had a lot of fun opening our gifts . After we opened our gifts Kevin's parents and Pop-Pop Terry came over to eat breakfast and exchange gifts with us. We then went over to my parents house for dinner. Well, lets just say we didn't get a chance to enjoy a yummy looking dinner. We lost a member of the family that night. We had to put Casper to sleep that night. Casper was an very old cat who had been fighting
diabetes for a number of years. He was not doing well when I got there, so my mom,
Zac and myself took him to the Vet and he was put to rest. You never really realize how close you are to an animal until they are no longer with you. That was a tough night for all of us. After I took my mom and
Zac home Kevin, Michael and myself went to Barb and Steve's house to exchange gifts with the cousins. We final made the trip home after a very long day. This Christmas was both happy and sad, not one that I will forget anytime soon.
Our trip to Lisa and John's house was a great one. Lisa came down the day after Christmas to visit her grandparents and to visit my parents but my dad wasn't feeling well and my mom was still upset about Casper. Lisa of course slept at our house and we had Pizza and watched the Best of Saturday Night, Great Times. The next day Kevin, Michael and myself went back to Lisa and John's house to visit. When we got there we decided to exchange gifts with each other. Every year we get each other gag gifts and try to out do each other. For the past couple of years John and Lisa have beaten us, and unfortunately they beat us again. We got a water can, a picture of an apple tree (which they purchased for us) and note that said "now you can water the low hanging fruit." I gave John a leg lamp stocking and leg lamp bobble head. Lisa got a pair of slippers that has dusters on the bottom so when you walk you clean the floor, NICE. I am going to say it again I Will Get You Both Next Year!!!! 
Many thanks to Monica for showing me how to make picture grids. Love and miss ya.
Oh, Super-Roxy!! We miss you!! cute pics - looks like you figured out the grids just to make them big enough for all of us blindies to see!! ;-) Glad you had a nice Christmas, even with all the craziness. Love to you all! xoxo
PS- love the New Year's background - way cute!!
Glad I got to read the rest of that post - it was weird yesterday for some reason. Love the grids - lookin' good!! xoxo
To the flagel whiners...they were eaten long before I made the post so I never got any pics! Though, I apologize profusely for not officially thanking Juan and in the next couple of days - there will be something there JUST for you!
Just had to inform you that the T-shirts are done...and they are WICKED AWESOME!!!!!!!!! I took the long sleeved ones back - they just weren't right, and found some short sleeve heather gray ones for EVERYONE! Yippee! All I'm going to say is there is a chance I might pee my pants from the excitement - I can't WAIT to show you guys!!!!! Hee heee hee heeeeeee!! I want to show them off to everyone and their dog, but they aren't exactly appropriate for the faint-hearted in the humor department...LOL!
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