Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Can you say Cheap Labor!!

If you every need a cheap mechanic, let me know, I know of one! All you have to offer is a juicy, cold watermelon and you have yourself a mechanic. Kevin decided that he was tired of doing things by himself, so he talked Michael into doing his dirty work, and I mean it was dirty work. He taught Michael how to rotate the tires on his car. Take a look and see his wonderful accomplishments. Enjoy.

By the way this is my very first post, not to bad!!!!


Monica Hudson said...

Yippeeee!!!!! It looks AWESOME!! Welcome to the new age addiction of blogging! Can't wait to read all your adventures - just so long as they're not about your new best friend next door neighbor...hoochie.

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!! I'm so proud of you for venturing into the world of blogging. Isn't if fun? I love the cheap labor ... we have some of that too! Love ya!

Monica Hudson said...

Hey, Lame-o! (Of course, I mean lame-o in the most endearing sense of the word!) Just thought I'd let you know that I have officially retaliated via Christine's comment section! Heh Heh! xoxo