Sunday, February 14, 2010

It's a GIRL

Just wanted to give everyone an update on how the ultrasound went. If you haven't heard already we are having a little girl. Everything went fine except for the fact that I have to go back in a week for another ultrasound. I think that my little girl is going to be a ham in front of the camera. She wanted to stay on her stomach and wouldn't flip over for the nice lady taking measurements of her. So, we have to go back and get more measurements of the heart. I should have more pictures to come.
Baby Girl Hallowell

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Round 1 Snow Storm 2010

We got hit with about 24 inches of snow on Saturday February 6, 2010. The day started with Kevin waking up at 7:00am to shovel a pathway for Roxy in the back yard, so she could go potty. Kevin continued to shovel throughout the day with the help of Mike of course. I couldn't believe how much snow we got and how hard it was for the boys to clean it up. We also had the help from a snow blower that our neighbor had. We are definitely getting one, when we can fine one. Enjoy the pictures of this first part of the storm. I will provide pictures of Round 2 of the storm when it is over.

Monday, February 8, 2010

5 Months and Growing

I am getting really excited about having a baby. I can tell you that the first 12 weeks were horrible. The books and doctors use the term "Morning Sickness", which means sick in the morning right!!! Well I had morning, afternoon and evening sickness for 12 weeks. Then one day during my 13th week all of that sickness just went away and I was so happy for it. I feel blessed every day when I look down and see my little bump growing!!! This week I have really felt the baby move, and it is the most wonderful felling in the world.
We have an ultra sound this Saturday to found out what we are having and I can't wait to find out. I really haven't had a strong feeling about what I think that I am having but I know that what every it will be, it will be our little miracle.